bolognaise With Prawns

4 tablespoons Oil
5 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tablespoons spanish paprika (sweet kind, if not use regular paprika)
1-2 dried chilli, minced
salt and pepper
1/4 cup Grand Marnier

Wash prawns, then toss in marinade and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
Heat a pan with oil and butter on high heat. When smoking, add prawns and marinade into pan and lower heat slightly to medium-high. Sear for 5 minutes till it's red, then flip over and sear for another 5 minutes or more until cooked. If my prawns are large, I cover it for the 5 minutes so that the steam helps to cook it faster without the garlic-marinade burning.
When cooked, remove pan from burner, pour in Grand Marnier and return to burner. Using lighter, ignite alcohol in pan and let it burn, baby burn! Once the flame has gone out, remove shrimp and sauce onto plate and cover to keep warm.

Arrabiatta Sauce:

2 tablespoons oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
3-4 dried chillies, minced
1 large can crushed Italian tomatoes
2 tablespoons dried thyme
3 tablespoon dried oregano
2 bay leaves
1 Fresh Pappardelle Recipe, or 1 box pappardelle
Handful of Fresh Italian Parsley

In a clean pan, saute garlic and chillies in olive oil. When it's brown, add crushed tomato, herbs and bay leave. Bring to boil, then simmer for 15 minutes but the longer, the better. While the prawns are marinating you should make this sauce and let it simmer on the burner.

To assemble:

In boiling pot of water well salted, cook pappardelle. With fresh pasta, it only takes a few minutes to cook so watch it, stirring frequently.
When pasta is done, drain, then pour into arrabiata sauce. Toss, then add prawns with juice/sauce. Toss, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

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